(words & music Kimmie Rhodes)
This world just doesnʼt need another paperback love story.
Dime store misery…no, this heartʼs just not going for it.
I wouldnʼt give you 99¢,
it just wouldnʼt be worth the time Iʼd spent.
Iʼm willing to pay a little more than that
for a good hard cover on a love thatʼs gonna last.
No more paperback love story
that has no ending youʼd care to read from the beginning.
A shallow plot that never changes
a romance worn around the pages.
Please, no more paperback love story.
My heart just wonʼt believe another paperback love story.
Is there a book around on the kind of love you canʼt put down?
A classic tale of two hearts torn
is just not that novel anymore.
When you reach a chapter bittersweet
you find the moral to the story reads ;
No more paperback love story
that has no ending youʼd care to read from the beginning.
A shallow plot that never changes
a romance worn around the pages.
Please, no more paperback love story.
No more paperback love story
that has no ending…
No more paperback love story
youʼd care to read…
No more paperback love story
that has no ending…
No more paperback love story